Shamar Rinpoche touched the lives of so many people worldwide. We encourage anyone whose lives were touched by Shamar Rinpoche to share their thoughts and memories here, with the wish that this may bring healing and solace to all of us who miss his physical presence. And in this way allow the world to see the amazing wisdom, presence, kindness and humor that we all cherished.
Share your memories here…
Condolence from His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck

- . Saturday June 21st, 2014
Recently I have read the book ‘Buddha is not smiling’ – thank you for protecting the lineage. May we also be able to help a little bit in the future and may all beings have the possibility to get connected to this prescious teachings. May there always be teacher to give the transmission.
read more... - Kassel/Germany summer course, 1993 Saturday June 21st, 2014

One of my strongest memories (at least on a picture) with Künzig Shamar Rinpoche: After working being in close touch more than one year around the topic of the Karmapa issue, discussing the situation in the lineage during the Diamond Way summer course, Kassel, July 1993.
read more... - Teachings for a Life Time Saturday June 21st, 2014
Rolando Klee
When I was new to buddhism, a good friend of mine was telling me about how spetial was a lama that also was a Buda, as I was listening to my friend, I had the wish to eventually have a teacher of that kind, a perfect guide.
With the passing of time I ran into Rinpoche, ...
read more... - My most Precious teacher Saturday June 21st, 2014
Giselle de Saint Phalle
Words do not suffice to describe the deep, heart wrenching sorrow I feel having lost my precious teacher. Much as he often said they did not suffice to describe spiritual accomplishments which he tirelessly tried to transmit to us.
As I followed his coffin out of the cemetery the tears fell from face on to the ...
read more... - Venue de Shamar Rinpoché à l’Institut Karmapa , mai 2014, France Thursday June 19th, 2014

Le week-enf fut d’une intense Douceur, d’Amour. Rinpoché avait un sourire qui rayonnait au delà du temple…
Lors de la bénédition, Rinpoché, qui était assis, a demandé aux personnes de la Sangha passant devant lui, de ne pas s’incliner et de rester droit… Ces personnes , les mains jointes, s’approchaient de Shamar Rinpoché, et s’inclinaient tout ...